Account Access & Verification

Forgotten My Password or Username

Forgotten your log in details? If you've forgotten your username, simply click here and follow the instructions. You will receive an email from us with your username. (Please check your junk/spam folders in case our email is not recognised).

Opening an Account

Opening an Account

How to verify your account

We're required to verify every account holder we have to comply with regulations and in line with our commitment to safer gambling. We will attempt to electronically verify your account where possible. If we are unable to verify you, we may ask

My account is suspended

Why is my account suspended? There are a number of reasons for which we suspend accounts:

Reopen a closed account

This article provided you with key information on how to re-open your closed account, and answers some questions you may have.

What is the corporate identity verification process?

Corporate Accounts In line with our policy for individual customers, Betfair also has a policy of verifying corporate customers. As the nature of the customer is very different, the requirements have been tailored to accommodate these differences. A

Changing your personal details

At Betfair we take your personal details at the point of registration, but you can update these yourself at any time. It is advised that you keep this section up-to-date should we ever need to contact you.

What is Source of Funds?

Source of Funds may sound like a daunting process, but don’t worry! This process assists us to ensure that we can get to know you and provide you with a great customer experience, as well as ensuring that we fulfil our obligations. At times,

How do I close my account?

First, we recommend that you withdraw any remaining funds from your account before you close it.

Security Questions Help?

You will be asked to confirm your security questions for a number of reasons. The questions are your guarantee that only you can access your Betfair account, and ensure that your details are secure and that no-one else can access your account. The mo

Two-Step Authentication Help

Betfair’s two-step authentication reduces the chance of having your account compromised. That’s because in an addition to your username and password Betfair will ask you to enter a one-time code, which will be sent to your phone via SMS or displayed

Sportsbook: How do I change my Sportsbook app to PIN-login?

Log in to your account. So far so easy. Select 'A-Z Menu'. Click ‘Settings’. Then flick 'On' for the 'Pin Login' setting. Set your pin and you're all set.

How do I set a new and secure password?

It’s very simple to change your password in 5 easy steps, it will only take a couple of minutes: Changing your password from a web browser 1. Login to your Betfair account. 2. From the top right click on ‘My Account’ then ‘My Betfair Account’. 3. Sel

PIN Login Help for Mobile Apps

PIN-based authentication is a security and usability feature for Betfair’s mobile applications. It allows you to quickly login to your account by typing a 4 digit authentication pin. If you need any help changing your PIN, simply choose the App you'r