If you are using a Mastercard that has been issued outside of countries listed below or you are using a Mastercard BusinessCard, you will not be able to make any withdrawals to it. Please note that these restrictions are not set by Betfair but by Mastercard.
In order to withdraw funds to alternate means you will need to validate the Mastercard registered.
You can do this by sending us a copy of your card. We only need to see the front of the card, only showing the first 6 and last 4 digits of the long card number. We do not need the back of the card. For Security Compliance you must blank out / hide / cross out the remaining digits of the long card number. All other card details need to be fully visible.
This should look a little like this:
In the case that you have a virtual Mastercard then we would need proof that you are the registered owner. Please send us an online statement or screenshot showing the first 6 and last 4 digits of your card number, the name of card holder and one recent transaction to Betfair.
You can send these documents via one of the following methods:
Contact Us: On the Contact Us page, select 'Depositing and Withdrawing' --> 'Message Us' where you can upload a high quality-digital photograph of your card. For Security Compliance you must blank out all card number digits except for the first 6 and last 4.
Secure uploader: Once logged into your Betfair account, select - 'My Account' --> 'Account Details' --> 'Document Uploader' and upload a scan or high quality-digital photograph of your card. For Security Compliance you must blank out all card number digits except for the first 6 and last 4.
List of Mastercard issued countries where withdrawals are accepted:
United Kingdom, Ireland, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.