How do I set a new and secure password?

It’s very simple to change your password in 5 easy steps, it will only take a couple of minutes:

Changing your password from a web browser

1.     Login to your Betfair account.
2.     From the top right click on ‘My Account’ then ‘My Betfair Account’.
3.     Select ‘My Details’ and from the drop down menu choose ‘Account Details’.
4.     On the ‘About You’ section, click ‘Edit’.
5.     Enter and confirm your new password, then confirm your current password to make the change.
Changing your password form a mobile device

1.     Login to your Betfair account.
2.     In the top right of the screen, click on your balance.
3.     A menu will appear, from the bottom of this menu select ‘My Details’.
4.     At the top of the page select ‘About You’ and click ‘Edit’.
5.     Enter and confirm your new password, then confirm your current password to make the change.

Help on selecting a strong password

Features of a strong password include:

  • at least 8 characters long;
  • a mixture of lower case and upper case letters, numbers, and special characters (please use one of these symbols !?()*+,:;=@_./-[]{});
    never write down your password.
  • You could choose to base your password on the first letters of an easily remembered sentence e.g. "I need a password which is easy to remember!" could become "Inapwie2r!".

You should avoid:

  • passwords based on personal information e.g. names of family, friends, pets,
    or memorable dates;
  • words that can be found in the dictionary, and simple variants (e.g. spelling a
    word backwards);
  • a sequence of, or repeated characters e.g. "12345678" or "22222222", or
    adjacent characters on your keyboard e.g. "qwertyui";
  • using some or all of your username in your password;
  • same password on many web sites.
  • If you use a credit card which is enrolled with the 'Verified by Visa' scheme or with the ‘MasterCard SecureCode’ scheme then make sure that your Betfair password is different to the password used to verify your credit card transactions.

Please remember to keep your password secret. Betfair will never ask you to disclose your password.

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